Cuales son los lugares obligatorios para visitar en Hong Kong?
2006-07-15 08:51:15 UTC
Cuales son los lugares obligatorios para visitar en Hong Kong?
One responder:
2006-07-17 18:09:21 UTC
George, your e-mail has not been confirmed by Yahoo so i couldnt reply to your message to me, sorry to hijack your question here but below is what i was trying to send to you:-


Hi George,

The Trip from Hong Kong to Macau takes exactly 1 hour.

The cost of the trip is approx HK$138 to HK$172 each way depending on the time and day of travel (Daytime sailings and weekdays are cheaper), Super class is more expensive but quite frankly not worth the extra money.

Tickets can be bought at the ferry terminal and a good tip is to buy your return ticket in HK as well but you will have to specify what time ferry you intend to return to HK as tickets are only valid for that sailing.

The reson for this is that I have been to the ferry pier in Macau on a Sunday at 8pm without a ticket only to be told that all ferry's up to 10pm are fully booked forcing me to buy a ticket for 10pm and wait around for 2 hours.

If your travelling on a weekday aim to arrive at the ferry pier about 30 mins before the sailing you intend to take, at a weekend make that 45mins to an hour before your planned sailing time.

If you buy your return ticket in HK, aim to be at the macau ferry pier 30 mins before your sailing time just to be safe.

Further information on travelling to Macau can be obtained from the TurboJet website at

Hope this all helps, have a great time in HK and Macau!

Este contenido se publicó originalmente en Y! Answers, un sitio web de preguntas y respuestas que se cerró en 2021.